Sunday, February 28, 2010

All I can say is.. WOW! :-)

Kota Keluarga... Azure.. ADB Tower Project... Lucky ME TVC Shoot... DPWH... I never had so much business in barely just two months into the new year!

Saturday 28 February, 2010, will be remembered as another milestone in AeroEye Asia's history.. we did our very first test shoot using a full scale Cessna!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Looks like it's going to be a very busy March, April and May for my team..

This coming March we are scheduled to do several shoots outside Metro Manila for DPWH as far as Vigan up north, then somewhere in the Mountain Province, then down to Cebu, Bohol and Leyte, to Butuan and Davao in Mindanao...

Then back to bohol for a beach resort shoot..

Come April there will be two trips down Mindanao again and a 4-day road trip in Bicol...

May, a 4-day shoot in Cebu then biggest Human Star on the 28th...

Busy Busy Busy! Thank you Lord! :)

A New Mac and MX9

This coming week we will be acquiring another RC Heli which will take on the role as backup heli and designation AeroEye#4. Also happening this week, I will be retiring my old MacBook Pro and acquire the new 13 inch version.

Autopilot update: New Servos Installed!

Finally had the new servos installed by Mark the other day. . . just one more final tank full of fuel with 2T mineral based oil and it will be ready to take on the role of lead Helicam of Team B.

Next move is to complete the new setup and break-in process. Once that's all done, then comes the installation of the autopilot system.

ADB Tower Shoot

Took off from roof deck.  We were able to get a good aerial shot of simulated view from 45th floor up for the ADB Tower Project. The neighboring building was so nice to allow us to shoot from their roof deck. We just walked-in and talked with the building administrator.

Another perfect no-wind situation. The only technical concern we had was the down link receiver somewhat receiving unstable signals due to frequency noise. Ortigas is widely known as a noisy environment in terms of microwaves, radio waves etc. We only used up the remaining fuel from yesterday's shoot.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Azure Shoot

Another successful shoot today in Bicutan. We started around 8AM and we were done by 9:30AM. Funny thing was my pilot and safety officer thought we were going to the beach (LOL)!

Shots were all aerial stills, meant to give an honest representation of the type of views from units purchased from the 10th floor all the way up to the 30th floor.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Kota Keluarga

Kota Keluarga shoot last Wednesday (February 17) went smoothly. The trip took us about two and a half hours from Manila. Left around 5:30AM and arrived around 8AM. We took both aerial video and aerial stills of the gate, the park and the beach resort area. Had a great lunch at a nearby eatery called "Kapamilya" (it's just a make-shift resto similar to Goodah setup outside a house)... spent only about Php500 to feed 5 people. Kaldereta, Bopis, Ginataang Isda (forgot the name of the fish) and Adobo. Busog!

Even though our contract was just for a half-day shoot only, we took our time taking the shots and we were done by 4PM. Got home around 7:30PM and just found out that it was our RC pilot Mark's birthday! No wonder he kept on showing us his driver's license that morning... Happy Birthday Mark!

Good job Mark and Caloy (A Team) ! :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

What a Pefect February Weather!

We have been experiencing blue skies for the past several days and more blue skies expected for the next couple of days! Wow! Perfect timing for all my scheduled shoots this month of hearts! Cheers! :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Beware of Master Jinx

I just had a relaxing Sunday at the flying field... One more liter mixed with mineral oil to go and AeroEye3 will be ready to take on the role as the Helicam with an Autopilot system.

I witnessed another crash at the field that afternoon involving a RC Helicopter. I think people should start learning not to entrust their helicopters or airplanes with the Master of all Jinx. It seems that anything he touches gets destroyed eventually. This guy has a track record already of crashing things due to his stubbornness and complete disregard to safety (sounds familiar?), -- walang pagmamalasakit ito sa gamit ng ibang tao. What makes it worse is that he gets so comfortable borrowing other people's RC helicopter / RC plane to the point he gets so adventurous flying it. And then when he crashes it, he comes out with all the wise alec excuses and technical babble why it crashed and what part failed. When will you people ever learn? 